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Meet Claire Wolanski

Registered Massage Therapist

Claire, massage therapist headshotOur massage therapist, Claire Wolanski, knows firsthand what a difference massage therapy makes as part of a care plan. As a professional ballet dancer, she experienced several injuries, and discovered early on how much massage helped her recovery.

When her dance career ended, she had to figure out what career to pursue. Remembering her experience with massage therapy, she decided that was the way for her to go. She attended CDI College in Hamilton, Ontario, and has been in practice for over 15 years.

How Does Massage Therapy Help?

Unlike regular “fluffy” massages, therapeutic massage is serious. Claire is here to help you, so she’s going to find out what your body needs. She’ll determine where the issue is and what tools or techniques are necessary to achieve the desired results.

Once she’s decided on a care plan for a patient, Claire may use a variety of techniques. Sometimes, it’s necessary to go deep into a muscle or tissue to reach the problem area. This may cause the patient some temporary discomfort, but most of her patients feel the results are worth it.

Massage therapy works well with chiropractic adjustments, helping the doctor go deeper and adjustments to last longer. In cases where patients are extremely tight or tense, the chiropractor may request massage therapy first to loosen a particular joint or area of concern, allowing them to adjust the patient more effectively.


Claire uses a lot of Swedish massage techniques, but make no mistake, this is not a spa massage. She describes herself as a “find the knot and work on it” type of therapist. Claire also uses myofascial release techniques, joint play, stretching, and other techniques.

Many of her first-time patients come in as skeptics and are surprised by what they get out of the treatment.

Explore Massage Therapy

Claire’s Hours:

Tue 3:45 – 6:00pm
Wed 10:00 – 2:30pm
Thu 2:00 – 6:00pm
Fri 10:00 – 2:00pm
Sat 9:00 – 12:30pm

Outside the Practice

Claire enjoys teaching dance and learning to tap ballet, reading, knitting, yoga, working out to music videos, and spending time with her daughter and husband.

Contact Us Today

Make an appointment for massage therapy; you’ll be glad you did. Contact us today!


Claire Wolanski | (905) 544-5787